Things are a’ movin’

Things are on track for us to be able to adopt Sue. We hired a lawyer and requested Sue’s name be legally changed, her social security number will be changed, and her birth certificate will be altered to show us as her parents. From her side, Sue’s lawyer ‘resigned’ and requested a new lawyer be appointed. We have not yet be informed who that person is. But her CPS worker has started the paperwork from their end and is getting this moving. We have to foster Sue for 6 months. That date is December 18th. Our hope is to be able to have a court date set up and adopt her on December 19th. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, sing a song or dance a jig…let’s all hope everything from the court continues to go smoothly.

Sue’s arm has a radial fracture and she has to wear a case for four weeks. She chose a bright yellow for the cast. The thing is so bright it can be used as a night light if she needs to go to the bathroom at 2am. It’s crazy. We went to the store and bought markers and glitter glue. Now the bright yellow cast has drawings, well wishes, and sparkly dazzle.

The 6-week school report cards are coming out. We were very worried about how Sue would transition from her small school into the public school system. She is doing amazing. She has great grades and works hard every day to study and keep her grades up. We are very proud of her.

Published in: on October 10, 2012 at 2:18 am  Leave a Comment